Thank you for visiting the Gracie Scott Foundation and learning more about how we minister to children with special needs through camps and other activities. We are here to serve the greater good through our work serving God’s kingdom through Jesus Christ.

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Gracie was born at 23 weeks weighed 1lb. Stayed at Primary Children’s Medical Center for 6 months. She is 11 yrs old and is still on a feeding tube. She is one happy little girl. We love her to the moon and back.



Painting by
Brenda M. Anthony
Story by Sandy Ponton
Scripture Reference: Exodus 16:10 “The glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud.”
It was like the twinkling of an eye. Suddenly, I was standing in an open field of waist-high grass. It was unique in that the field didn’t behave like a normal field of grass. It didn’t blow with the wind. In fact, there was no wind to blow the grass, not even a breeze. Instead, it was as if each separate blade was its own entity with its own personality or soul that chose to flow toward me. I remember reaching my arms out to my sides, running my hands along the tops of the grass and feeling something so special. It was like each gold-tipped blade was… full of love. I could feel love coming from the grass. While standing in the field, the guide who had brought me there admonished me to never look back. It was okay to look to the left, and to the right, but I couldn’t look back. The view in front of me was panoramic.
I could see far to the left and far to the right, but the things in front of me were close, as if I was standing inside a panoramic photograph. On my far left were trees–giant pillars with huge trunks that seemed to lead me toward
what was in front of me. There were no branches going up the trunk, but I could see lots of leaves at the top. Beautiful leaves. They were in brilliant greens, reds, and yellows. Each leaf had a sort of iridescent gold underside.
And the trunk wasn’t the sort of dirty brown we see here, either. It was
a beautiful brown color edged in gold. Between me and the forest were tall wildflowers. Normally, in order to see each bloom of a rose bush, you’d need to walk around it, but in this case, each colorful flower–and its leaves– faced
toward me. The flowers came up to about my waist, and their ‘faces’ followed me as I progressed through the field. I have never experienced love come from flowers, from plants, from trees. But I felt like all of it was alive! Alive
with love. And it gave me so much peace.
It was like each individual living thing imparted an energy charged with an unconditional love, support, and encouragement. Directly in front of me were clouds against a vibrant blue sky. When I saw bioluminescence for the first time,
I felt it was the closest thing to what I saw. Then, leading me up to the clouds was a sort of mist or fog. Just like stairs leading to the stoop of a house. None of the clouds moved, as there wasn’t any wind. Directly in front of
me was a huge, beautiful cloud that was
unique to the rest. Rays from behind the cloud shot toward me, just like the grass and flowers. The cloud itself was a pearly iridescent color that I can only describe as… pure and extremely
In this place, there was no fear, no judgment, no pain. Only love. Pure, unconditional love.
My life before this was fraught with selfishness, greed, and a relentless drive for success in What I learned most from my experience is: don’t look back. Don’t look back at what you’ve done in your life. Take a good look at your
life as it is today. Right now. And start looking toward the future. We can change if we want to. If you want to make a difference, just be kind to somebody_-be kind to a friend, be kind to a fellow worker, or neighbor. Discover
the reaction you get by being kind to them. Most people are very defensive, but there’s something about love that calms people down. This life isn’t about how much we make. It isn’t about prestige or power.
It’s about ‘The One.’ It’s about each life we can affect with love.